Svi sad znamo da je DR Radovan Karadzic uhapsen bla bla bla... ali zar nije dosta bizarno da ima svoju ordinaciju i svoju stranicu, klikni ovde i ovde da dodjes do DR:ove stranice. Sad....ja mislim da je ovaj covek jedan velika inteligencija! Da STVARNO! Nije on nikako ispod normalne inteligencije! Mozda je samo svoju inteligenciju okrenua na pogresan nacin!Cuj ja nikako neprihvatam to sto je bilo u ratu. Mislim da je uzasno sto se desilo u ratu ali eto sta ces.....Sad ima jedan stvar na DR stranici sto bi ja htela da kupim , zove se "mali velbing",(mozda sam i ja skrenula) zar mislite da se moze to negde nabaviti i ako je DR uhapsen?
Today I heard a sick thing! MUTI MURDER? Do you know what it is? Well at YT it´s is describes as following: "Up to 300 people are sacrificed every year in South Africa so that their body parts to be used in traditional Muti medicine. Most of these are young children, tortured to death.
"It's done while she's still alive because the more she screams, the more powerful the Muti's going to be," explains crime expert Kobus Jonker, gesturing at the picture of a mutilated six year old girl",
This is yet another evidens that the world is runned by evil forces!My GOD , such twisted minds!Well click here and see the evil side of South Africa,The land of Mandela!
Christopher Ciccone, Madonnas younger brother and long-time friend has made a brilliant move to get some cash! He has written some heavy gossip on the Madgesty herself. Well , since I am a big fan of hers, I m a little bit confused! Should I read it or not? What´s your opinion?...... Oh well I have made up my mind,I admit, I admit! I am a gossipwhore, and I can´t wait until the book arrives from !
Sveriges mest omtalade och skickligaste brottmålsadvokat, Leif Silbersky , ska representera Anders Eklund i rätten. Ja ni vet vilken Englund jag menar "The SuperDuper Killer".
Jag säger bara , skäms på dig Herr Silbersky. Att du åtar att representera en sådan människa (läs monster). Ja jag vet hur Sveriges rikes lag ser ut, jag vet hur systemet fungerar. Jag vet hur försvarsadvokater skall förehålla sig till sina klienter.Men i grund och botten är dock advokater människor,eller? Så, vad är dina personliga åsikter om A. E:s handling? Du har väl känslor Herr Silbersky? Hur kan du ? Är det pengarna som styr... än en gång? Jag bara undrar...Jag utmanar dig att inte åta dig denna klient!Hoppa av! Låt A.E tilldelas en 64 årig nyskiljd,alkoholiserad,lungsjuk,manisk,råttadvokat från Sätra eller något... P.s Va inte Hagamannen s fall något att bita i ?
Now as reported earlier, the police was investigating the allegations of child molestation, abuse, and murder in Jersey. Haut de la Garenne is at the centre of one of Britain's biggest ever abuse investigations where more than 100 people claim they were abused. Now police has reported that they have arrested a 70-year-old man and a 69-year-old woman as part of a child abuse probe. Way to go! Good work by the police and crime investigators! Hope the motherfuckers will burn in hell!
Some "flirty fishing" the members are doing with our poor gipsy children from a refugee camp in Kosovo! Go and fuck each other , not our children from the balkans. Fuck off!!Motherfuckers!!
Oh my god!!! Yesterday I saw this documentary that a former member of the california based cult "the Family" has made. His name is Noah Thomson. This documentary opened my eyes for the cult. The sect's activities and history are detailed in a newly released book, "Jesus Freaks." The sect was founded in California in the 1960s by David Berg, who referred to himself as "Mo," short for Moses. Berg was a self-proclaimed prophet.
Jesus Freaks" author Don Lattin says Berg "wanted his child to embrace sexuality, to be a sexual being as an infant and growing up." There are many vitnesses that says that they were forced to have sexual intercourse with the family members, also with their own mother and father. This cruel way of bringing up children, was and and still probably goes on and on and on. What struck me is that this sexcult are having it so called missionary journey to part of the balkans where I come from.This I read from their own official website I will just say , go and fuck yourself and don´t touch our children, they don´t need your fucking help! FUCK YOU "THE FAMILY"!
Ps if you want to read more about sick sexcults and other brainwashing cult click here.
It´s happend again!These kidnappings and inprisonments by relatives is plopping out from the earth like mushrooms.
The 33-year old Ludmila from Skarzysko-Kamienna a village in south Poland has been found in her parental home, where she was held as a prisoner in a closet for over 13 years. Yes you read it right! A closet! Yesterday neighbours alarmed the police. The police describes her as very filthy and almost as living dead. Ludmila is now in hospital for further evaluation and treatment. I wish her the best , and I wish her monster parents same treatment as they treated her!
I know this news is kind of old but i have not seen it by now. either way the article from the Sun says;
Sobbing Ondrej Mauerova was rescued alive when a neighbour’s TV picked up footage from a camera filming his agony.
He had been partially skinned after monstrous mum Klara, 31,and her sister Katerina, and a bogus adoptive "sister" (picture above) Barbora Skrlova, caged him for months in the cellar, while relatives who were also in this sick cult called GRAIL MOVEMENT CULT feasted on his raw flesh.
Sick sick sick! If there is a god /energy or a higher power, the predators/cannibals will all burn in hell. Go and die , motherfuckers! oH AND BY THE WAY...iS HERR fRITZL RELATED TO , BARBORA SKRLOVA AND Tsutomu Miyazaki, OR THE BUTHER OF BEGA, AND THE TEACHERS FROM HAUT DE LA GARENNE ?
Executed yesterday. Tsutomu Miyazaki. Killed and ate a part of flesh (from one of his victims)and drank their blood. The victims? Little primary school girls. His explination for the killings was that he was driven by his alter ego- a rathuman who commanded him to kill. What if it is true? Is there deamons,rathumans out there? I will belive when I see...or do I want to see... that´s the question...hmm...Do you believe in deamons , and the darker side of life? Or was Tsutomu a human monster?
So sorry that this talanted musician has gone to the other side. Esbjörn Svensson was the headmember of the worldfamous jazzbandtrio. E.S.T . He tragically died yesterday,he was diving when the accident occured at Värmdö(which is located just east of the swedish capitol Stockholm).Esbjörn was 44 yr old. He will be missed. R.I.P Esbjörn.
Oh no! Not again! Is this family some kind of realtives to Herr Fritzl or something! Idiots! The mother, brother and sister kept the women locked in this filthy room for 18 years, because she was pregnant by the age of 29,and gave birth to a baby boy -who is now 18 years old!Look at the room! My god as taken from a horror movie! People are monsters!
MORTIFIED! WOW SÅ KUL. SKRATTAR SÅ ATT TÅRARNA RINNER.(klicka på boken i fältet sedan på "episodes"->"I hate Drake" är min favvo, vilken är din?)
Finns även en svensk version av denna, sk "SKAMBYRÅN", (har inte varit där själv, men kommer besöka den ngn gång). Konceptet går ut på att ;( som de beskriver på hemsidan;) "Mortified är arkeologin av den egna pinsamhetens historia. Upphittade artefakter ur denna skämmighetens kökkenmödding är gamla dikter, sångtexter, bilder, brev och dagböcker. På Skambyråns liveshow träffas vi och lyssnar på ungdomens genanta kulturlager."
Shutting down my ppl pleasing personality once and for all! Makes me just feel bad. I´m going back to the old me ! I´m going back to my selfish alter ego! Her name, I dont know , but I know that
Mrschokolatta is dead! Going back to my art...wuhuuu I long for the smell of terpentine and oil !!
Oh how I HATE this ever-living lady, she is such a BIATCH! She just doesn´t seem to leave me alone! She comes to me every month, sneaking upon me like a predator.Making my life a living hell! she is annoying and she tries to ruin my life!Can´t seem to find any solution to ged rid of her! Can somebody please tell her to leave me ALONE! Oh by the way her real name is Prunella Madison Savage! I don´t know where she lives,or where she comes from, but she stands in front of my doorway, as expected, exactly the same date every bloody (literally) month!As I said , she is a nasty mean bitch that doesn´t deserve to live. I tried to kill her a couple of times, but she rises up like a deamon from hell. So anyone?Any suggestion how to keep Prunella away from me! Please I´m desperate!
This song probably sums up how I feel today, oh no not just today , probably for the rest of my life. Being me sux right now, Nooooo i have not bad don´t judge me because you don´t know a shit that life has been offering me, serving me some cold dishes with no fucking dessert. So fuck yourself! I hope you all.. who made my life suck, burn forever in hell!
Today I was watching the first semifinal act in the ESC, and I must say that I ´m so proud of my country and the way they have promoted Serbia trough the ESC.We have so much culture, art and beauty to offer. But i´ts so sad that serbs has always being potrayed like som viscous animals, who love to kill! The serbs are friendly people.
In todays show of the ESC I found that the middle act was performed by the multitalented Slobodan Trukulja and Balkanopolis. Klick play and enjoy some goosbump chilling music influenced by authentic middleaged Serbian chants.
Dagens låt kommer från underbara Madonna. Känner bara att ibland har man ingen at vända sig till, och då ber jag till Madonna sångerskan) genom att sjung hennes underbara låtar.Jag är inte religiös men när jag hör hennes låtar vill jag be.....
Oh no! The police says that the bricked-up cellar of the Haut de la Garenne children's home ,amid fears it could be a mass grave.
The basement where youngsters were once held in solitary confinement as punishment may hold the bodies of six children, police believe. Skull fragments and milktheet has been found.
They should all(the molesters) burn in hell! Hunt the motherfuckers down!
Varför går vuxna kvinnor och män ut på en stor gräsmatta , vecka efter vecka , i solsken, regn och rusk, snö osv och försöker slå in en liten vit boll, in i ett hål som finns flera tusen meter därifrån.
GOLF är den mest iq-befriade dumma sport....eller nää jag tar tillbaka det det är med sport(det är fan inte en sport) som någonsin uppfunnits på denna jord. Golfare består av två kategorier av människor, den elitistiska och den wannabe elitistiska kategorin.PATETISKT! Genom golfen vill dem visa att dem är något , dem har pengar , cash, monetas. Jo på vilket sätt undrar du kanske..Ja men titta på dem hallå det räcker. Och på vems kostnad gör dem allt detta på . jo på moders jord bekostnad. Skövlar en massa skog, anlägger fina perfekta gräsmattor. Titta bara på sträckan mellan Landskrona och Glumslöv! Den vackra naturen förstörs av en välansad gräsmatta som sträcker sig långt långt åt helvete, och denna perfekt ansade gräsmatta befläckas av golfare med gulrutiga byxor som lyser som maskrosor( maskros betraktas som ogräs). Nej fy helvete, det är dags för ett uppror mot golfen!Vem är med mig ? P.s Se upp golfare, för en grå toyota!! me like to hunk the horn!
Vi lever i en fruktansvärd sjuk värld, där människor är den värsta boven . För en liten stund sedan blev en kvinna som jobbade på ett behandlingshem knivskuren till döds av en tonåring!
Min första tanke var ; "Och jag som är så naiv och läser till socionom och vill jobba inom behandlingshem! Ha ha ha ha ,,,nej alltså till vilken nytta? Till vilket pris? Mitt eget liv? Nej fy fan! "Socionomer indoktrineras till att bli känslokalla myndighetspersoner, omänskliga, robotar. Finns kursare som redan anammat det så typsikt robotlikanande beeteendet!Skrämmande!
Arrggh jag spyr på systemet! Förstår alla männsikor som har eller har haft att göra med socialförvaltningen, eller med F-kassan. Det är fan inte personer man pratar med där, det där är människor som förvandlats till robotar. Mindcontrol i högsta grad. Dock ska man inte hugga ihjäl dessa personer. För det finns två kategorier av socionomer , de mänskliga och de omänskliga.Jag tillhör den första kategorin.
Tillbaks till Malmöfallet, Jag beklagar det som hänt! Men va fan , vi som är den första kategorin av socionomer, vi börjar tvivla , tvivla på mänskligheten,tvivla till att det kan ske en förändring. Jag var en sann filantrop när jag började utbildningen. Så här ett år senare känner jag snarare att jag fallit och blivit det motsatta...misantrop...som det heter med fiiiiiiiinare ord! Någon som har en bra ide, som kan visa mig vägen tillbaka i tron at människa egentligen är god? Nah tror inte det! Skulle behöva gå en väldigt lååång utbildning för att få mig till att ändra mina tankar. Hmmm finns det någon där ute som håller sådana kurser? KAnske det finns? Vad står det då för något i deras broschyr , ngt i stil med;
"Människan är god- kurs" "150000000 000000 högskole poäng" Tidigare avklarade kurser: Hata allt och alla, misantrop i själen" Välkommen att söka till oss. Kursen hålls i lokalerna på Skärseldsgatan i sal 666. Välkommen med din ansökan!
Ok so I´m buying myself a new body! It will cost me about 120 000:- swedish kronor. But hey,,,we only live once (in this body)´s maybe worth it!? It will be intereseting to see how ppl will treat me after I lose the weight? Oh god I´m just longing for my sweet revenge! then I found a really good page for downloading workout music based on your pulse, and it´s free! check it out on
Nothing to fear, nothing to worry, It is an old, well known story. Don't think too deep, don't lose your sleep, Just another nation goes to reservation.
Serbian people, they're so bad, the world would be best if they were all dead.
Let's throw some bombs, let's burn them all, put them all against the wall.
Let's find a new desert, a new location, let's call it "The Serbian Reservation".
Don't think too long, don't think too deep, Serbian land is now so cheap. Croats, Albanians, come and get some, A piece of Serbia to every world's bum.
It gives me sorror, it gives me blues, Whenever I hear CNN news: Kid kills his schoolmaster with a gun, Macquire hits another home run, San Diego zoo got a new panda, Eight?hundred thousand killed in Rwanda. Eight?hundred thousand dead on the scene, Is NATO going to intervene? Give me a break, come on, get real, they were all black, not a big deal, Eight hundred thousand, their throats slit, We all remember what Clinton did. The support he offered was only moral, At the time he was just getting oral. In the case of Rwanda he was too slow, but now he is ready for the final blow. The peace on the Balkans someone disturbs So lets go out there, and bomb some Serbs. Let's get Kosovo ethnically clean, ten percent Serbs, and they're so mean. Let's kick them out to reservation Kosovo is for the Albanian nation ten percent only, used to be more, Seventy percent after Second World War. After fifty years, they almost all left, Under the pressure, terror, and theft. Some ten percent just wouldn't go, Now Clinton is ready for the final blow. Serbs from Croatia, Serbs from Bosnia, we chased them all to little Serbia. What Hitler started let's get done, Let's go to Serbia and have some fun. Let's test some weapons, cause some destruction, Let's see what will be the Russian's reaction It'll be good for the bond and stocks, 'cause the market lately really sucks. Let us create a New World Order, For every country, we'll write a new border. Everyone has to dance as we play, Or he'll become NATO's prey.
Har precis sett en tårdrypande (för mig alla fall) dokumentär/konstfilm/ett konstverk av den mycket talangfulla Katarina Peters. I denna dokumentär "Am seidenen Faden" skildrar hon hennes och makens liv, som kretsar kring makens återhämtning av en stroke som han drabbas när dem två som nyförälskat par åker till NY. Jag kunde vekligen förstå Boris, och hur han var instängd i sina egna tankar och hjärna , utan att kunna röra på en lem. Musiken och kärleken var det som fick honom att bli pånyttfödd!Vilken historia. Se den! ÄKTA KÄRLEK!Mind can really overcome matter!
Fuck , måste göra en omtenta i juridik...arrggh jag var 2 p från att var godkänd! det suger! men va fan det var bra poäng med tanke på att jag inte öppnat en enda juridikbok på hela kursen (schhhh säg inte det till någon). Fan nu är det tredagars-isolering som gäller 5,6,7 maj. Dagens låt kommer från den underbara KT Tunstall med "Saving my face". En liveversion! I love it! Enjoy people!
YESTERDAY I bought this thing called MEDIBREEZE PLUS, this is by far the best thing I have ever bought. Now I can breath! Inhale exhale, inhale, exhale.......I recommend it !
The "Alive Gallery" in the South Korean capital , is now bringing new life into old paintings such as Davincis Mona Lisa , and the last supper. Hopefully we will get this exhibition to Sweden!
Serbs have constantly been bashed on by the media. The media has made serbs look like monsters and the opposers took adavntage of it. You will never see these photos in this video on western media. WARNING FOR EXPLICIT FOOTAGE!
This is how a remember Peter Burns from the group Dead or alive. They had a hit back inte 80´s " You spin me round". Remeber now ? Not ? ok click on te video below and enjoy...
Ok that was Pete Burns back in the days.... he looks like this now (click on the video below). I think the he/she has BDD (Body dismorphic disorder. He was a goodlooking guy! What happened?
Jag måste bara ladda upp den på min blogg. Du har säkert sett den redan. Tror du att detta är sant? Kan det verkligen vara tomtenissen som flyttat till Sydamerika?
So I can call myself an artist, well an amateur. I see art as a expression for yourself, your thoughts, the society and a part of the easthetics of life. Todays artist doesn´t stand with a brush in one hand , paint in the other, inhaling differrent kind of braineating chemicals. No today the so called artists does everything to become famous. Famewhoring on animals and ppl. A dog is tied up in a gallery, deprived of any food or water and left to die. A photographer cuts and pastes animal heads on other objects digitally, but bizarrely, only after she has killed them. Another artist records video clips of six animals being clubbed to death by sledgehammer. One has performed repeated self-induced miscarriages. I´m not going to publish these persons names (please note "persons" , cause to me they are NOT entitled to call them selves anything else, ok..... well..., dumbass, idiot, fuckface etc etc). Is all this necesseray in the name of art? Oh how I wish I could involve the fuckfaces in my personal artproject, well only those who harmed animals, not the one who sperminated herself then terminated the pregnancy, she is by my opinion entitled to do whatever she fucking likes to do with her body. But come on! Is that art!!!?She maybe tries to make a statement.... I dont know. But as far as I know they are NOT valid expressions of art, and these people are cowards who hide behind intellectual platitudes and elitist hypoocrisy. They flatter themselves that their art has any meaning beyond the obvious suffering that they themselves impose on helpless creatures. They are sadists, not artists Look at these pics, the fucking homo sapien doesnt even care !Once again !Fuck humanity!
KONST ELLER INTE, DET KAN MAN FRÅGA SIG? Den kontroversiella DR.ROY GLOVER HAR ANLÄNT MED SIN UTSTÄLLNING SOM HETER BODIES -THE EXHIBITION utställningen, öppnar nu på fredag, på H.C. Andersen Slottet i Köpenhamn. Ta dig dit om duär nyfiken hur vi homo sapiens (och andra varelser förmodar jag) ser ut in vitro.
Jag undrar bara en sak, vilken anknytning har serialmördare med lastbilschaffisyrket?
Titta på Amerika, många av deras serialkillers har haft yrket "truckdriver", så även i fallet här i Sverige med Anders Eklund, 42 som erkänt mordet på lilla Engla Höglund.
Jag menar inte att alla lastbilschaffisar har tendenser till att bli /vara mördare. Men visst finns det en kuslig likhet mellan detta fallet och andra truckdriverkillings i USA, som tex: Se Adam Leroy Lane,42 år, Bruce Mendenhall, 57 år